Chung-Ang University


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unzi_Kim_01.tif image_01.jpg image_02.jpg 
Braille NPR image / Digital Colored Stippling
Chung-Ang University, Graduate School of Advanced Imaging Science Multimedia & Film, Korea
Professor unzi KIM is Digital Interactive Media Artist and Professor of Graduate School of Advanced Imaging Science Multimedia & Film, Chung-Ang University.  He finished Conservatoire National des Arts et Métiers(D.E.A.), Paris and l’Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Beaux-Arts(D.N.S.A.P) de Paris. 
Work Statement
  This work substitutes black pixels of bitmap dots for braille embossing in the video.
This work has three types of expression. 
  First, it exhibits an ouput print through image process of poster. That becomes conscious of three-dimensional feel of a material that the embossing has.  Next, it shows a plane feeling through a series of a group distribution to the same effect.  Secondly, it forms a figure by braille on raised letter using braile plate. That has an intention which it causes visually impaired see moving images through tactile sensation of a hand. The braile type has an intention to communicate meaning but can not show an image. Tangible images give us including visually impaired delight of seeing by a sense of touch.  Thirdly, it shows a real-time braile moving image of viewers through NPR video. Eventhough it is a embossing plane, that becomes a tangible live video. Also, it gives us some feelings absorbed into thin two-dimensional video which a depth disappears as an real-time video.
Professor Hyunki Hong, Ph.D. is Computer Scientist and Professor of Department of Electronic Engineering and Graduate School of Advanced Imaging Science Multimedia & Film, Chung-Ang University.
Work Statement
  Stippling simulates varying degrees of solidity or shading of the object by using small dots. Previous stippling techniques for Non-Photorsealistc Rendering (NPR) use single-colored points to represent the tone of gray image or the material of surface. 
  In addition, pointillism is a style of painting in which small distinct points of primary colors create the impression of a wide selection of secondary and intermediate colors.
  This work is generated by a new stippling technique with various colored points based on the analysis of color information. By using the color information of the input image on HSV model, we define a color weight function that determines automatically the number and size of points. The color jittering based on Munsell's color model can generate stippling drawings with various colored points to represent the image.  This colored stippling algorithm is applicable to many areas such as animation, digital art, video processing and CG tool.