Yuan Ze University


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出展者紹介 Exhibitors Profile

Yuan Ze University
Dept. of Information Communication, Taiwan 
Dr. Chao-Ming Wang received the B.Sc., M.Sc., and Ph.D. degrees in computer science and information engineering from National Chiao Tung University of Taiwan in 1980, 1982, and 1993, respectively. He currently teaches at Yuan Ze University. His research interests include computer vision, interactive art, perceptual user interface, and interactive multimedia design. Dr. Wang is also the Financial General of Taiwan Society of Basic Design & Art.
Dr. Chi-Wei Lee received the Ph.D., Institute of Computer Science and Information Engineering, National Chiao Tung University, Taiwan.  He currently teaches at Yuan Ze University. His research interests include Interactive Multimedia, Software Art, Artificial Life, Computer Vision.
Sung Heng was born in 1983 in Taipei, Taiwan.  He devoted the research of new media art creation. His works mostly focus on with interaction, while searching for the true connections between human, installation, space and various media. 
Work Statement
“I remember buying packets of cute educational materials at the elementary school store and going home to conduct various scientific experiments on gear wheels, magnetism, light bulbs and batteries. Many years have passed, but now, in the process of making interactive installation, I seem to have rediscovered that childhood excitement.”  Then before I get to know about “interactive art” , dance and perfomance art took a big portion of my everyday’s life. Then, I’ve been keeping on doing something about creative since my first work was created in 2005. My next step is to devote on the design of systems for the creation and performance of simultaneous image and sound and try to apply it on dance perfomance field.
Exhibitions & Experience
2008 “Doubles” have been selected to participate in the 5th edition of 404 Festival in Trieste ( Italy ), from May 29th to May 31st 2008.s

Tseng Wei-Chieh Born in 1983 in Taiwan. Graduated from the Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering, Tunghai University, currently studying for a Master’s in Information Communication at Yuan Ze University(YZU). Present research focuses on computer vision and interactive design. Works often in corporate natural elements as media, supplemented by technological manipulation, in an attempt to find a different aesthetic texture in new media.
2007 “Float” K.T. Creativity Award, Interactive Installation category, Gold Prize.
2007 “Water Drama” The second Digital Art Festival, Taipei (DAF) competition of interactive installation awards nomination.
2007 The website, “Nerdy changing”, was nominated creativity competition of YZU. (The head of the six-member team)