Prof.Chao-Ming Wang


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講師紹介 Speakers Profile

Chao-Ming Wang 王 照明
Professor, Yuan Ze University, Department of Information Communication, Taiwan
台湾・元智大学情報通信学部 教授
Dr. Chao-Ming Wang received the B.Sc., M.Sc., and Ph.D. degrees in computer science and information engineering from National Chiao Tung University of Taiwan in 1980, 1982, and 1993, respectively. He currently teaches at Yuan Ze University. His research interests include computer vision, interactive art, perceptual user interface, and interactive multimedia design. Dr. Wang is also the Financial General of Taiwan Society of Basic Design & Art.

The New Taiwanese Media and This Expression

  In this age of rapidly advancing technology, using computer information as media has become the major tool of the contemporary artist. In recent years, many artists use various technology and many forms, for example as Net art, as interactive installation, as audiovisual performance, as interaction based on computer vision technology, or as interactive sound, to create their works in Taiwan. The new Taiwanese media are evolving at an increasing rate.

User Friendly Interface
  Digital media art has very close relationship with communication and interaction, emphasizing to allow personally through body’s gesture and other human-computer interface ability to communicate with the artwork. In 1970’s, Myron Krueger was one of the first artists to seriously ask the question: “What are the various ways in which people and machines might interact, and which of these are most pleasing?” 
  How to develop the work with suitable user interface is an important consideration for digit media design. Through various human-computer interfaces, such as body’s gesture, touching, feeling, or sounding, artists can develop their works by suitable user interface. Some examples as follows. The work – “FLOAT”(Fig. 1) used “wind” as its power and RFID system as its interactive interface, and tries to bring new visual experiments to visitors. “Doubles”(Fig. 2) is an electronic music instrument with a tangible interface which focuses on the speed, distance and motion. When the player makes two physical objects move, a sliding effect, the image and sound, is created in the installation.

Global View and Local Features
  Taiwan has a diverse society with exceptional culture, varied lifestyles and an innovative environment. There are many local characteristics will be brought into artworks. “Dreams of season”(Fig.3) is intended to utilize physical sculpture, image and sound to express a digital virtual scenario. Using Chinese ancient poems as local features, it designed three different visual expressions for every season, and utilized non-linear display method for overall visual feedback projection. “Beauty of calligraphy” is another work that uses Chinese calligraphy as local features. Integrating interdisciplinary expert to create new media works have become a kind of custom in Taiwan. Currently, Taiwan actively holds and participates in international activity. Taiwan will take advantage of a new opportunity to construct its new media environment.